Well I've been working a little bit lately on a website instead of this blog, and so far things are going well. I'm kind of a noob when it comes to site building and maintenance, but slowly and steadily my plan is to stop writing here at RawGameBlog and move my news + much more over to www.quadgamer.com.
PLEASE do check out the site now as I am building it and give me some feedback on what you like/things that can be improved, and so on. My goal is to please my readers!
You can always mail me at hakis86@hotmail.com as well, with tips and stuff.
onsdag 1. april 2009
lørdag 21. mars 2009
Geoff Keighley: Next week's GTTV will be EPIC

If you're following Geoff on twitter, you've probably seen this already. As I've already quoted on my twitter, here's what he twitters:
"geoffkeighley: Working with our team on next week's GTTV. Going to be an epic show with around 6 world exclusives...and a few big surprises!"
This is really interesting! Are these 6 exclusives going to be revealed during the week at GDC 09, or will they debut at GTTV next friday? And then you can start asking yourself: Are they mostly 360 exclusives? That would be great because so far there aren't MANY 360 exclusives announced for this year.
It could also be Wii exclusives, PS3 exclusives, or even PC exclusives... So We'll just have to wait and see.
And what are the "big surprises" ??
This week is gonna ROCK!
GTTV Wolfenstein, Wheelman, Wanted: WOF
Wolfenstein: This looks promising! Gameplay seems to be as tight as COD4/COD: WAW, in addition you get a "vail" mode which has several advantages in addition to awsome powers, and the possibility to upgrade every single weapon until it's kickass. There will be a deeper story than seen before, and cinematics. This is new to the Wolfenstein franchise. Graphics looks as good as Call of Duty: World at War, if not better.
Wheelman: Well.. I watched a friends try the demo.. the game is allright, but not great. Some things in it are weird, the graphcis is not really great... so I'd recommend trying before buying.
Also a cool Wanted: Weapons of Fate trailer near the end.
torsdag 19. mars 2009
Why you should get Unreal Tournament 3
While the game is availible on Xbox360, PC and Playstastion 3, I will focus on the PS3 version here, as that is the one I've got and it supports mods. EDIT: oh, and keyboard + mouse!
According to VG Chartz.com, The game has sold 0.61million copies on the PS3 and 0.51 million on the Xbox 360.
Why are these numbers so low? For a very low price you get a game who is worldwide known for it's addicting gameplay and beautiful graphics, it also got the following features:
* Two new game types: Greed, a "tug of war" skull-toting team points battle, and Betrayal, a cutthroat style of play where alliances and teams can shift fluidly through a match.
* The Titan Mutator, where you can become a 30 foot tall behemoth in any game mode.
* Two new characters: Kana and Nova.
* Nineteen maps for Deathmatch, CTF, Vehicle CTF and Warfare modes, including 11 new maps plus eight popular maps from the first UT3 bonus pack and Xbox 360 version.
* New vehicles and pickups, including the X-Ray field deployable, the link station deployable for vehicle repair, the slow field powerup, the Stealthbender vehicle, the Eradicator artillery piece, and the Stinger rail turret.
Qoute Playstation blog:
"For an interesting twist, you can play Greed with the Titan mutator activated. In this scenario, the goals are the same except you can transform into a 15-foot Titan, which is handy for sowing mass destruction on opponents while protecting skull-toting teammates. To trigger the metamorphosis, simply fill your meter by killing enemies, capturing flags or nodes, and completing other game objectives.
UT3 players can already enjoy the title update portion of the Titan Pack for PS3, which incorporates a long list of enhancements, including split-screen support, an integrated mod browser, 57 Trophies, major visual and menu flow upgrades, significant A.I. improvements, overhauled networking performance, and better mod support."
And it doesn't stop here. Do you know any other game that supports Mods on the PS3? You can get maps, vehicles, characters, game modes, mutators! I've tried UT3MOD.com and it works great.
And here's a review, check it out and view in in HD if you can!
So, addictive multiplayer - customizable with mods, ability to use keyboard++..Most important of all: it's great fun!
Any thoughts on why sales figures are so low? Are you gonna give the game a try?
You should!
According to VG Chartz.com, The game has sold 0.61million copies on the PS3 and 0.51 million on the Xbox 360.
Why are these numbers so low? For a very low price you get a game who is worldwide known for it's addicting gameplay and beautiful graphics, it also got the following features:
* Two new game types: Greed, a "tug of war" skull-toting team points battle, and Betrayal, a cutthroat style of play where alliances and teams can shift fluidly through a match.
* The Titan Mutator, where you can become a 30 foot tall behemoth in any game mode.
* Two new characters: Kana and Nova.
* Nineteen maps for Deathmatch, CTF, Vehicle CTF and Warfare modes, including 11 new maps plus eight popular maps from the first UT3 bonus pack and Xbox 360 version.
* New vehicles and pickups, including the X-Ray field deployable, the link station deployable for vehicle repair, the slow field powerup, the Stealthbender vehicle, the Eradicator artillery piece, and the Stinger rail turret.
Qoute Playstation blog:
"For an interesting twist, you can play Greed with the Titan mutator activated. In this scenario, the goals are the same except you can transform into a 15-foot Titan, which is handy for sowing mass destruction on opponents while protecting skull-toting teammates. To trigger the metamorphosis, simply fill your meter by killing enemies, capturing flags or nodes, and completing other game objectives.
UT3 players can already enjoy the title update portion of the Titan Pack for PS3, which incorporates a long list of enhancements, including split-screen support, an integrated mod browser, 57 Trophies, major visual and menu flow upgrades, significant A.I. improvements, overhauled networking performance, and better mod support."
And it doesn't stop here. Do you know any other game that supports Mods on the PS3? You can get maps, vehicles, characters, game modes, mutators! I've tried UT3MOD.com and it works great.
And here's a review, check it out and view in in HD if you can!
So, addictive multiplayer - customizable with mods, ability to use keyboard++..Most important of all: it's great fun!
Any thoughts on why sales figures are so low? Are you gonna give the game a try?
You should!
onsdag 18. mars 2009
Get ready for Wolfenstein!
GameTrailers TV will show a new trailer as well as some gameplay(?) in the interview this friday. I'm excited!
fredag 20. februar 2009
World in Conflict not coming to console
The Norwegian site PressFire just got confirmation from Massive Entertainment that World in Conflict will not be coming to consoles after all.
This is a huge dissapointment as many console owners were looking forward to this popular game.
To turn a PC strategy game into a console strategy game is really tough, and most developers have to compromise and deliver a game that feels dwarfed compared to the PC version.
"At the time being we have no plans of releasing this game for consoles - but WOC: Sovjet Assault is coming to PC (March)."
"We want the products we make to have high quality, and neither we (Massive Entertainment) or Ubisoft feel that the console versions are good enough" says Johan Oldbring, Associate Project Manager in Massive Entertainment.
This is a huge dissapointment as many console owners were looking forward to this popular game.
To turn a PC strategy game into a console strategy game is really tough, and most developers have to compromise and deliver a game that feels dwarfed compared to the PC version.
"At the time being we have no plans of releasing this game for consoles - but WOC: Sovjet Assault is coming to PC (March)."
"We want the products we make to have high quality, and neither we (Massive Entertainment) or Ubisoft feel that the console versions are good enough" says Johan Oldbring, Associate Project Manager in Massive Entertainment.
fredag 30. januar 2009
Norwegian Gamer.no goes out with a bang - gave KZ2 6/10
This Thursday www.tek.no - a leading Norwegian tech/software/mobile/game site, announced that it's sister-site www.gamer.no were separating from their network after years of teamwork. This was dissapointing news to many, as this was their resource for a lot of tests and news within TECH, mobile, software and gaming.
Apparently, the site chose to go out with a bang.
In a quite negative review they rated Killzone 2 6 out of 10 possible points, with the title "The False Prophet".
I am not sure if this is to be taken seriously or if it's just to stir things up, but check it out yourself. There were of course several hundred comments within hours blaiming the reviewer of being "an Xbot, biased" and so on.
Read it and decide for yourself - does Killzone 2 deserve a 6/10?
Apparently, the site chose to go out with a bang.
In a quite negative review they rated Killzone 2 6 out of 10 possible points, with the title "The False Prophet".
I am not sure if this is to be taken seriously or if it's just to stir things up, but check it out yourself. There were of course several hundred comments within hours blaiming the reviewer of being "an Xbot, biased" and so on.
Read it and decide for yourself - does Killzone 2 deserve a 6/10?
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