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lørdag 21. mars 2009

GTTV Wolfenstein, Wheelman, Wanted: WOF

Wolfenstein: This looks promising! Gameplay seems to be as tight as COD4/COD: WAW, in addition you get a "vail" mode which has several advantages in addition to awsome powers, and the possibility to upgrade every single weapon until it's kickass. There will be a deeper story than seen before, and cinematics. This is new to the Wolfenstein franchise. Graphics looks as good as Call of Duty: World at War, if not better.

Wheelman: Well.. I watched a friends try the demo.. the game is allright, but not great. Some things in it are weird, the graphcis is not really great... so I'd recommend trying before buying.

Also a cool Wanted: Weapons of Fate trailer near the end.


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