web tracker

fredag 30. januar 2009

Norwegian Gamer.no goes out with a bang - gave KZ2 6/10

This Thursday www.tek.no - a leading Norwegian tech/software/mobile/game site, announced that it's sister-site www.gamer.no were separating from their network after years of teamwork. This was dissapointing news to many, as this was their resource for a lot of tests and news within TECH, mobile, software and gaming.

Apparently, the site chose to go out with a bang.

In a quite negative review they rated Killzone 2 6 out of 10 possible points, with the title "The False Prophet".

I am not sure if this is to be taken seriously or if it's just to stir things up, but check it out yourself. There were of course several hundred comments within hours blaiming the reviewer of being "an Xbot, biased" and so on.

Read it and decide for yourself - does Killzone 2 deserve a 6/10?


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