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mandag 7. juli 2008

Whispers about Fable 2 demo

Personally I would really love a Fable 2 demo - but will there ever be one?

While some claim that there's no need for a demo, others are whispering about a demo not to far away. Sure, people at E3 will probably get their hands on Fable 2 and get the chance to try it out, but an Xbox Live demo is more uncertain.

The whispers about a demo are talking about October. There was recently a lot of speculation regarding the Video Diary of Lionhead Studios: Episode 6 - where Peter Molyneux was seen drawing around the word "October". Immideately everybody figured "it must mean Fable 2 will be out this October!".

Sadly, however, it will not.

BUT, the demo will!

Rawgameblog.com says: We can't wait!


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