web tracker

søndag 30. november 2008

Black Friday kills

lørdag 22. november 2008

Gears of War 2 parody

This is a funny video worth seeing :)


tirsdag 11. november 2008

VG gives Mirrors Edge 6/6

While the guy playing the game got frustrated several times the first time he played through the game - saying he did not feel like giving the game a 6/6, still thinks that after playing through the game a second time, it is one of the best game experiences he has ever had.

The game is graphiclly stunning, you have the choice between disarming/avoiding/shooting enemies, and the tension is great.
(BTW if you complete the game without shooting...perhaps not on your first playthrough... you will get an achievement with alot of points).

Read the full review translated to English here:
VG gives Mirrors Edge 6/6



søndag 9. november 2008

Student breaks down PS3 vs 360 graphics facts

We quote:

"Yeah, I saw the topic, im guessing every other PS3 owner here also checked it out and had a laugh, so I figured, Sh*t, may'be I should prove this guy wrong.

Now I don't expect anyone to know me here, but im currently studying hardware development, computer science and computer architecture and I thought seriously about it and realised, there is no way you can tell which console has better graphics. Want to know why?

The answer is simple.

Its not the system that determines how graphical a game can be, the system only displays and image, however resolution, polygons and file types which determines how good graphics really are, depending which engine your running. But all that information is stored on the disk.

What the console really determines is which file types and resolutions can be read, understood and displayed on your soft copy. (FYI A soft copy is what you see on a screen because its visual but you can't touch it.)

Which leads to the conclusion that its not the computer system that determines the graphics, its the developers. I mean a PS2 game could have PS3 gameplay but for no more than and hour or so, should it have a small upgrade to its RAM and GC, by small I mean 128MB. Not much really.

After all apart from system and application software, games consoles are basically computers.

So lets see which console is graphically more powerful. This is the amount of visual memory, clock speed and the graphics card the 360 Elite and PS3 80GBM use.

360 Elite:
Visual Memory: 500 Megahertz GPU. (... Not Brilliant, but not bad. But this is a speed and not a number so the 360 amplifies its graphics through a single processor.)
Clock Speed: 3.2 Gigahertz TriCore. (Hmm, not bad, shame Microsoft didn't make it.)
Graphics Card: ATI Xenos. (Good Make, not Microsoft made though.)

PS3 80GB Model.
Visual Memory: 550 Megahertz. (Better than 360.)
Clock Speed: 3.2 Gigahertz. (Same proc speed then.)
Graphics Card: SCEI RSX (Reliable Sony made hardware, those japs are tech wizards. ^^)

As you can see, the PS3 is capable of better graphics than the 360, but not much. However there is a catch... The Sony PS3 also has a PPE and 7 SPE's. This makes things tricky, allow me to explain for those who do now have much computer knowledge.

PPE - Power Processor Element. This chip basically power architecture based, which I haven't learnt a lot about yet, but I know what it does. The chip connects the central processing unit to the SPE's like a bus.

SPE - Synergistic Processing Unit. These tiny things are like boosters for the actual processer itself. These allow the system to handle more complicated instructions at once and can perform graphical operations, reducing ingame lag by upto 40% of the 360 but it also works as an artificial graphically interlectual system, meaning it fixes things by itself using coding from other sprites and props.

(This information has been taken from www.game.co.uk and official source of information.)

So there you have it, the PS3 is capable of better graphics than the 360 and to top it off Blu-Ray disks can hold an extra 20GB over HD DVD's that the 360 uses.

You can make other points or say otherwise but I have plenty of books and a perfectly good scanner that will prove you wrong.

If you want to argue the 360 is better, consider the fact it has a year and a half over Sony because of broken contracts between Sony and Microsoft. Also the 360 is well loved everywhere but its not as reliable as the PS3 and you have to pay for online play, which on the PS3, you dont.

And before you say, Microsoft does not provide servers, the fee you pay is for Microsoft to connect your PS3 to company servers so your fee sends information packets from your 360 to the local Microsoft server to be sent to insomnic or what ever gaming company made the game your playing.

The 360 will have many more things because a year is a full gap of time that allows a lot of growth, but recent numbers show sales rising in the PS3 making the 360 the least sold console this year and is almost in third place."

Source: Gamertailers forums

So what do you think?
